Kristy Latta Elected Shareholder at Ahlers & Cooney Law Firm Des Moines, Iowa (January 4, 2013) Kristy Latta was recently elected shareholder at Ahlers & Cooney, P.C. Kristy’s primary practice is in the firm’s Education Law area, serving school district and community college clients. She has handled a variety of...
Modified Fair Credit Reporting Act Forms Required Effective January 1, 2013 Three forms required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) have been modified and are required effective January 1, 2013. The three modified forms are the Summary of Consumer Rights, the Notice of Furnisher Responsibilities, and the Notice of...
Ahlers & Cooney Law Firm Selected as one of Iowa’s Top Workplaces Des Moines, Iowa (September 24, 2012) Ahlers & Cooney, P.C., is pleased to announce that it has been selected as one of Iowa’s Top Workplaces by WorkplaceDynamics, LLP. For nearly 125 years, Ahlers & Cooney has been providing...
Please register today for AHLERS & COONEY, P.C.'s LABOR & EMPLOYMENT CLIENT SEMINAR 2012 October 15, 2012 Sheraton Hotel West Des Moines 1800 50th Street West Des Moines, IA 50265 Tentative Agenda Register Here
Effective July 1, 2012 On July 1, 2012, HF 2460, an act relating to Iowa's Urban Renewal law went into effect. Several significant changes include: Urban Renewal Report Due Annually by Dec. 1 - Iowa Code sections 331.403(3) and 384.22(2) now provide that any city or county that had an...
Emails sent or received by public employees are often the subject of public records requests. There is a presumption of openness and disclosure under Iowa's Open Records Law. Records of a government body, including emails, are generally considered public records. However, there are situations in which emails may be properly...
While using arrest and conviction records in employment and hiring decisions is not prohibited, courts and the EEOC have long recognized that this practice can be discriminatory due to the disproportionate rate of arrest and conviction for African-Americans and Hispanics. The EEOC recently published guidance on the issue, which is...
The District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals has temporarily enjoined the NLRB’s rule requiring the posting of employee rights, which had been scheduled to take effect on April 30, 2012. The poster requirement has caused a flurry of controversy over the past months resulting in several deadline extensions and...
Danielle Haindfield was recently elected to the National School Boards Association Counsel of School Attorneys Board of Directors. COSA (Counsel of School Attorneys) is a membership organization of 37 affiliate state councils, over 3,000 attorneys nationwide, who work to improve the practice of school law and prevent lawsuits against public...